Welcome to our store, we're so glad you stopped by!
Simple Pleasures of Alaska is a family-owned and operated a business in the beautiful temperate rainforest of Southeast Alaska. With the help of our community and dear friends, we offer you an authentic taste of Alaska made the Alaska way, with friends.
We have been harvesting wild things in and around Sitka, Alaska since 1999, and even earlier if you count the years we weren’t yet in business. Our love of harvesting wild berries and the abundance of berries available to us led us to begin selling our jams and jellies in 1999, following in the footsteps of some dear friends that graciously GAVE US the beginnings of this amazing business we began filling jars with the abundance and beauty of our home. Each berry is handpicked and each jar is hand-poured. The flavors and colors come directly from the berries and flowers, just as they were created. We add nothing artificial to enhance them. Everything we make is truly an authentic local taste of Alaska. I am continually amazed by the beauty of each jar.
Alaska is an amazing place to live. We are blessed to call it home. Thank you for shopping with us. We truly appreciate your support of our family-owned and operated, with the help of amazing friends, business. We hope you enjoy your taste of Alaska!
All our best to you,
The Pierce Family & Friends